How nice, a helpful gentleman offers to lend a flashlight so the Blonde In A Red Dress isn’t stranded in the dark when her boyfriend’s car ran out of gas.
Boy Loves Girl #45, by Lev Gleason
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
How nice, a helpful gentleman offers to lend a flashlight so the Blonde In A Red Dress isn’t stranded in the dark when her boyfriend’s car ran out of gas.
Boy Loves Girl #45, by Lev Gleason
Uh oh! The Blonde in a Red Dress has reached her breaking point in dealing with holiday traffic! Clear the streets! (And the sidewalks!)
Authentic Police Cases #25, by St John
In this issue: “The Dead Material Fruits of The Rabbit Punch”?!
Crime Does Not Pay #103, by Lev Gleason
You’d never see the Batmobile getting a parking ticket like this.
America’s Best Comics #28, Pines
I think the reluctant driver is really just stalling for time until the artist can find better reference material for drawing automobiles, if the weird angles and shape of their vehicular setpiece is any indication.
Exposed v1 #5, DS Publishing
The Blonde in a Red Dress would like to thank America’s heroic first responders (whom she tends to cross paths with on at least a weekly if not daily basis, given her lifestyle of unrelenting daring danger!)
Danger #3, Comics Media
But don’t worry. She’s been through worse, I’m sure “Susan” will be fine. (If that’s her real name.)
That is, fasten your seatbelts unless you’re a death-defying international undercover woman of mystery, in which case you can just go ahead and balance on a car’s bumper as it slams into a wall at full speed before leaping to safety at the last moment.