The site’s been on hiatus this Summer while we catch up with other projects, but rest assured: the Blonde in a Red Dress will be returning soon (as soon as we finish up with some behind-the-scenes website maintenance.)
Posts authored by Kevin Yong
I Dared Him To Kiss Me
“Close that window, Betty, and LOCK it!”
Diary Secrets #25, by St. John
Fashion faux pas
The Blonde in a Red Dress is horrified to see that the invading inhuman monsters are so bright red that it makes her otherwise fashionable dress look faded in comparison.
Forbidden Worlds #32, by ACG
Police In A Red Car?
This was a hard special effects shot to stage for the cover. The Blonde in a Red Dress had to bend backwards down the hole so her head was out of view, while the Blonde Stunt Double In A Black Ninja Suit had her hair pulled as she balanced on a ladder. But that’s the kind of hard work needed to get ahead in comics.
Fight Against Crime #20, by Story Comics
Galleon Cove Camp
The Blonde (Partially) in Red takes an overseas beach vacation.
Girls’ Crystal #972 (UK)
Dutch Treat
Her dinner date might have been a letdown, but at least the Blonde in a (Partially) Red Dress got to try out some new fashions.
Meet Merton #4, by Toby/Minoan
Pick Your Battles Carefully
Gabby decided to pick a fight with his co-star, the Blonde in a Red Dress. His comic series was cancelled immediately thereafter. Coincidence?
Gabby #9, by Quality
The cover tagline says “Louder and Funnier” but the guy himself seems to be trying not to be loud… and meanwhile needs a lot more effort to be funny too! (Don’t worry, we’re almost done with the “Gabby” covers.)
Gabby #8, by Quality
Who Watches The Weight Watchers?
The Blonde in Red’s relationship with the book’s star starts to turn sour, as the cover sheds the secondary tagline of “The Teen-Age Laugh Riot” (it wasn’t replaced with a new motto, probably because “Gabby: Louder and Funnier and Now Kind of a Jerk” wasn’t very catchy.)
Gabby #7, by Quality
Postage Due
The Redhead In Yellow still lurks in the background, resenting the Blonde in Red for her promotion to the coveted role of Postmaster General.
Gabby #5, by Quality