Our Blonde Heroine briefly tried trading in her trademark Red Dress for some White Pants, but she was upstaged by a gorilla in clown makeup.
Thun’da King of the Congo #4, by Magazine Enterprises
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
Our Blonde Heroine briefly tried trading in her trademark Red Dress for some White Pants, but she was upstaged by a gorilla in clown makeup.
Thun’da King of the Congo #4, by Magazine Enterprises
It was a dark and stormy knight. Suddenly, a shot rang out!
Bobby Benson’s B-Bar-B Riders #18, by Magazine Enterprises
A young Blonde in a Red Dress soon regretted her blind date with an anti-plastic-straw activist.
Little Miss Sunbeam Comics #1, Magazine Enterprises
Due to the camera angles used, I can only assume this cover actually stars the lesser known cover model known as “Stunt Double In A Blonde Wig in a Red Dress”.
Manhunt #7, Magazine Enterprises
Shrunk to the size of children’s toys, tied to railroad tracks, and menaced by a snaggle-toothed green bug? Whatever was in that needle from yesterday’s cover, it was potent stuff!
The Pixies #5, Magazine Enterprises
Yikes! Glad this creepy guy was caught in the act — otherwise, being officially known as the man “who wasn’t there” usually would count as one heck of an alibi.
Manhunt #14, Magazine Enterprises
If by “quiet” you really mean “loud as a subway train”.
Manhunt #9, Magazine Enterprises
Dick Tracy, no!
Manhunt #6, Magazine Enterprises
The Blonde in a Red Dress finds herself wondering why a series called “MANhunt” seems to end up with HER being the one being hunted and/or in perilous death traps all the time.
Manhunt #3, Magazine Enterprises
Worst. Date. Ever.
Manhunt #2, Magazine Enterprises