While a “Space Jungle Western” may indeed be among Buster Crabbe’s “3 Greatest Adventures”, to the Blonde in a Red Dress it was just another Wednesday.
The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe #2, by Lev Gleason
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
While a “Space Jungle Western” may indeed be among Buster Crabbe’s “3 Greatest Adventures”, to the Blonde in a Red Dress it was just another Wednesday.
The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe #2, by Lev Gleason
The Blonde in Red occasionally trades in her dress for a spacesuit. (And the helmet comes in handy during quarentines.)
Fantastic Worlds #5, by Standard Comics
The Blonde in a Red Dress has yet another blind date get interrupted by the demands of her day job.
Weird Tales of the Future #1, by Stanley Morse
The Blonde in a Red Dress decides to judge this comic by its giant alien space monster cover and she ain’t sticking around to find out what’s inside.
Weird Tales Of The Future #2, by Key/Stanley Morse
The Blonde in a Red Dress is offended that her would-be kidnappers think she’s only worth a mere one million decimars.
Strange Worlds #9, by Avon
I bet the Redhead in Yellow will be glad when the Blonde in Red comes back from vacation. Until then, after a green werewolf and green vampire, what’s left besides a green… um… whatever that is?
Adventures into the Unknown #46, ACG
The (Platinum) Blonde in Red runs into trouble while vacationing in New Mexico.
Swift Morgan #30 (UK)
“In Xanado did a Blonde in Red
A spaceship’s pressure-dome besiege…”
Planet Comics #45, Fiction House
The Blonde in a Red Dress begins to regret trying out the trendy new hair salon.
Planet comics #41, Fiction House
The Blonde in a Red Dress might need a refresher course on which end of the ray gun to use.
Planet Stories v4 #5