The Blonde in Red fainted upon realizing how many novels she’d have to read in order to get this comic book adaptation anthology ready by the deadline.
“Stories by Famous Authors Illustrated” #13, by DS Publishing
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in Red fainted upon realizing how many novels she’d have to read in order to get this comic book adaptation anthology ready by the deadline.
“Stories by Famous Authors Illustrated” #13, by DS Publishing
The Brunette in a Green Dress suddenly realizes she really shouldn’t have been such a high school bully to the Blonde in a Red Dress.
Pay-Off v1. #5, DS Publishing
The Blonde in a Red Dress realizes that she accidentally walked on to the wrong comic cover, and tries to back away slowly without interrupting things.
Underworld v1 #1, DS Publishing
The Blonde in Red sheds a tear as her family’s tennis supply business is torn apart due to an expired green card.
Underworld v1 #9, DS Publishing
The “crusade against crime” apparently includes a crackdown on unlicensed masquerade parties.
Exposed v1 #6, DS Publishing
Not sure of the reasoning for the odd choice of cover concept, other than for the Blonde in Red to help confirm that Boone Marlowe is NOT actually a vampire trying to sneak in from a horror comic.
Outlaws v1 #9, DS Publishing
Gosh, Mr. Kidnapper, whatever you do, don’t throw me in that briar patch!
Underworld v1 #3, DS Publishing
The poor Blonde in a Red Dress spent her camping vacation trying to find a river… and then gets back just in time to learn that her boyfriend is being sent up the river.
Gangsters Can’t Win v1 #5, DS Publishing
Psst! Miss Blonde in Red? Don’t stare directly at the audience! It distracts from the scene!
Gangsters Can’t Win v1 #6, DS Publishing
Unexpected early wake-up calls like this could be why The Blonde in a Red Dress is so cranky in the mornings.
Underworld v1 #2, DS Publishing