The bouncer at the sci-fi themed fancy dress party disapproves of the Blonde in Red’s choice of costume.
Rocket Ship X #1, by Fox Features
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The bouncer at the sci-fi themed fancy dress party disapproves of the Blonde in Red’s choice of costume.
Rocket Ship X #1, by Fox Features
The one known weakness of the multi-talented Blonde in a Red Dress seems to be her very poor choice in boyfriends.
Crimes By Women #15, Fox Features
Neither characters’ facial expression seems to match what you’d expect from their dialog.
Romantic Thrills, Fox Features
The Redhead In Yellow continues to fill in for the absent Blonde in Red (and to increasingly question the many career choices that have brought her to this point.)
Jungle Lil #1, Fox Features
The Blonde in a Red Dress has many talents, but I’m beginning to suspect that discernment in choice of men is not one of them.
My True Life Story In Pictures #6, Fox Features
Someday they’ll look back on this and laugh when they realize the Blonde in a Red Dress wasn’t actually trying to sneak out to double-cross the gang, she was just trying to find a dentist to take a look at a loose filling.
Crimes By Women #8, Fox Features
The Blonde in a Red Dress was content with the rootin’-tootin’ cheerful cowboy ranch from yesterday, but no, her brother had to keep looking for a more “authentic” Wild West family vacation experience.
Western Thrillers #6, Fox Features
Crime never pays! (But neither does being an easily distracted security guard.)
Crimes By Women #7, Fox Features
Wait! Is that the same guy as was on the sled? He has the same thick square head, the same wooden expression and vacant stare! (Or maybe he’s just a department store mannikin in the background, and the Blonde in Red is actually talking to the readers? She is looking straight at us, after all.)
My Past Thrilling Confessions #7, Fox Features
The Blonde in a Red Dress as “Belle Gunness: Murderess!”
Crimes by Women #2, Fox Features