Thanks for stopping by! The Blonde in a Red Dress is busy with a few other projects this week, but will be back soon.
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Thank you for your patience while the Blonde in a Red Dress is busy with some behind-the-scenes site maintenance. Updates are scheduled to resume the week of August 27.

A note for new readers
Welcome to The “Blonde in a Red Dress” cover gallery, the online showcase of the hardest working cover girl of the Golden Age of comics! For the full story behind the blog, see the About page.
As for the cover girl herself, her origins are shrouded in mystery. Perhaps it began as a generic “house style” imposed on the cover artists. Or perhaps certain default color combinations just made for more dynamic covers. Or maybe the artists simply liked drawing women in red dresses with shoulder-length blonde hair. But whatever the reason, the Blonde In A Red Dress appeared again and again, across dozens of titles and genres from virtually every Golden Age publisher! Click here to start from the beginning of our gallery.