The Blonde in a Red Dress is horrified to see that the invading inhuman monsters are so bright red that it makes her otherwise fashionable dress look faded in comparison.
Forbidden Worlds #32, by ACG
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in a Red Dress is horrified to see that the invading inhuman monsters are so bright red that it makes her otherwise fashionable dress look faded in comparison.
Forbidden Worlds #32, by ACG
Her dinner date might have been a letdown, but at least the Blonde in a (Partially) Red Dress got to try out some new fashions.
Meet Merton #4, by Toby/Minoan
If looks could kill, the Blonde in a Red Dress would be back on the cover of a crime comic right now.
Candy #48, by Quality
I don’t know what the Blonde in Red is staring at off-panel, but she apparently finds it more interesting than a looming swamp monster and large yellow bird.
Web Of Evil #13, by Quality
The Blonde in a Red Dress finds her date night once again interrupted by yet another “mysterious adventure” that can’t decide if it wants to be an “amazing tale”, a “thrilling tale of suspense”, or a “tale of horror”.
Mysterious Adventures #12 by Story Comics
The Blonde in Red was enjoying her blind date with a botanist until one of his jealous co-workers decided to make a scene.
Baffling Mysteries #19, by Ace
So if I’m reading this cover correctly, the Blonde in Red is trying to stab her captor, who looks like a Neanderthal brute being possessed by the ghost of an executioner being possessed by the ghost of a wizened crone?
Ghost Comics #9, by Fiction House
It may have started out as “Revenge in small form”, but the Blonde in a Red Dress will be seeking revenge in large form against whichever monsters are responsible for ripping her new dress.
Mysteries Weird and Strange #2, Superior
The Blonde in Red begins to suspect that her latest cover artist has never seen a cat before and didn’t have time to find photo reference.
The Beyond #22, by Ace
Hey, you! Mr. Ghost of Christmas Past! Stop trying to pick up a date with the Blonde in a Red Dress, and get on with your real job. You’re running late for your appointment with Mr. Scrooge!
Romantic Adventures #44, by ACG