The Redhead In Yellow continues to fill in for the absent Blonde in Red (and to increasingly question the many career choices that have brought her to this point.)
Jungle Lil #1, Fox Features
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Redhead In Yellow continues to fill in for the absent Blonde in Red (and to increasingly question the many career choices that have brought her to this point.)
Jungle Lil #1, Fox Features
In some relationships, it can feel like a challenge to find just the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. (Or else!)
America’s Best Comics #31, Standard Comics
This event helped motivate the Blonde in Red to vow that she would never allow herself to grow up to be a crazy cat lady.
Fantastic Adventures v9 #8 (Dec. 1947)
Hurry up, kid! The tiger looks hungry!
Black Terror #2, Pines