The Blonde in a Red Dress is going on vacation for a couple weeks. The site will resume updates later this month.
Thrilling Comics #72, Pines
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in a Red Dress is going on vacation for a couple weeks. The site will resume updates later this month.
Thrilling Comics #72, Pines
The Blonde in Red hopes that the epic battle between the circus gorilla, skull-faced guy with a snake, and brawny guys with fabulous hair will be enough to distract from her highly questionable co-stars, the “Commando Cubs”… a crack team of gun-toting underage ethnic stereotypes travelling the world to fight Nazis.
Thrilling Comics #36, Pines
Awakening adrift at sea, the Blonde in a Red Dress gives an envious glare at “Dr. Strange” for whatever mysterious superpower allows his amazingly stylish hair to remain impervious even to the churning ocean waves and incoming torpedoes.
Thrilling Comics v2 #6 by Pines
…Or maybe it was that spear plus a punch to the jaw.
Apparently our heroine’s jungle safari vacation is still going pretty much as expected.
Thrilling Comics #53 (Pines)