The Blonde in a Red Dress has been away on vacation for a few days, but sadly, her temp replacement just isn’t quite able to fill the role and is already causing problems on set.
Parole Breakers #1, by Avon
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in a Red Dress has been away on vacation for a few days, but sadly, her temp replacement just isn’t quite able to fill the role and is already causing problems on set.
Parole Breakers #1, by Avon
Ouch! Things didn’t go well when the disgruntled former-cover-girl-in-a-red-dress decided to have words with her blonde successor.
Try to patch things up, girls! When cover girl heroines fight, it just means the terrorists undead skull-faced zombies win!
It began innocently enough, with a raven-haired comic book cover model running afoul of a mummy’s curse and thus requiring an understudy to take her place…