The Blonde in Red guests stars with famous underwater swim champ Buck Rogers!
Famous Funnies #210, by Eastern
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in Red guests stars with famous underwater swim champ Buck Rogers!
Famous Funnies #210, by Eastern
Hint: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation works better if you pull the drowning person out of the water first.
Romantic Adventures #24, by ACG
The Blonde in a Red Dress was hoping her new job with the Screaming Eel Tour Boat Agency came with some real responsibilities, but she soon realized she was just a figurehead.
Witches Tales #3, Harvey
In an early career victory for the Blonde in a Red Dress, she won the role of “Betty” in the early Archie series, in which she would– Oh my gosh, kill it! Kill it with fire!
Pep Comics #48, MLJ