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Famous Funnies #164, Eastern

Don’t be an “Ick”

Don’t be an “Ick” published on 3 Comments on Don’t be an “Ick”

As an awkward gangly teenager, the Blonde in a Red Dress worked hard to cultivate her artistic talents.
(And she possibly wrote Burma Shave roadside ads as a summer job.)

Famous Funnies #164, Eastern

Little Miss Muffet #12 by Pines

Former child star in red?

Former child star in red? published on No Comments on Former child star in red?

While she’s recovering from her latest near-death experience, our heroine sees her life flash before her eyes. Apparently she started the whole “Blonde in a Red Dress” thing at a young age!

Personally, I think extending her fashion sense to include a dog in a red dress might be pushing things a little too far.

Little Miss Muffet #12 (Pines)