The Blonde in a Red Dress realizes that she accidentally walked on to the wrong comic cover, and tries to back away slowly without interrupting things.
Underworld v1 #1, DS Publishing
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in a Red Dress realizes that she accidentally walked on to the wrong comic cover, and tries to back away slowly without interrupting things.
Underworld v1 #1, DS Publishing
The Blonde in Red sheds a tear as her family’s tennis supply business is torn apart due to an expired green card.
Underworld v1 #9, DS Publishing
Gosh, Mr. Kidnapper, whatever you do, don’t throw me in that briar patch!
Underworld v1 #3, DS Publishing
Unexpected early wake-up calls like this could be why The Blonde in a Red Dress is so cranky in the mornings.
Underworld v1 #2, DS Publishing