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Gangsters Can't Win v1 #5, DS Publishing

Dead Men Don’t Drown!

Dead Men Don’t Drown! published on 1 Comment on Dead Men Don’t Drown!

The poor Blonde in a Red Dress spent her camping vacation trying to find a river… and then gets back just in time to learn that her boyfriend is being sent up the river.

Gangsters Can’t Win v1 #5, DS Publishing

Gangsters Can't Win v1 #4, DS Publishing

Suicide on Sound Stage Seven

Suicide on Sound Stage Seven published on 1 Comment on Suicide on Sound Stage Seven

“It’s supposed to look like suicide but to me it’s murder!”

Yeah, but given how many crime scenes the Blonde in a Red Dress has been in the middle of, I wouldn’t be surprised if everything looks like murder to her by now.

Gangsters Can’t Win v1 #4, DS Publishing