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Buccaneers #24, Quality Comics

The Blonde in a Red (Polka-Dot) Dress: Adventure on the Bounding Main

The Blonde in a Red (Polka-Dot) Dress: Adventure on the Bounding Main published on 1 Comment on The Blonde in a Red (Polka-Dot) Dress: Adventure on the Bounding Main

In addition to art classes, our heroine had also signed up for “Swashbuckling Pirate Yarns” (she thought the name was referring to a knitting club.)

Buccaneers #24, Quality Comics

Buccaneers #19, Quality

Famed Freebooter

Famed Freebooter published on 1 Comment on Famed Freebooter

All the Blonde in a Red Dress wanted from her beach trip was a fun day at the boardwalk, maybe practice a little hula dancing, but no… her friends insisted on hanging out with the pirate cosplay re-enactment club instead.

Buccaneers #19, Quality