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Boy Comics #42, Lev Gleason

What’cha think you gained by that trick?

What’cha think you gained by that trick? published on No Comments on What’cha think you gained by that trick?

I don’t know, maybe the Blonde in a Red Dress suspected that the other woman was a wicked witch, and was checking to see if she’d melt when doused with water?

Boy Comics #42, Lev Gleason

Boy Comics #11, Lev Gleason

I have no mouth but I must kiss?

I have no mouth but I must kiss? published on 1 Comment on I have no mouth but I must kiss?

“The surprise of your life awaits you as Iron Jaw falls in love!”

(Wasn’t 100% sure if the coloring on this cover qualified as “blonde”, but the odd lighting of the scene seemed to put it close enough to strawberry blonde if you squint.)

Boy Comics #11, Lev Gleason