Another blind date ends in disaster for the Blonde in a Red Dress; her narcissistic boyfriend couldn’t pull himself away from the mirror.
The Hand of Fate #17, by Ace
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
Another blind date ends in disaster for the Blonde in a Red Dress; her narcissistic boyfriend couldn’t pull himself away from the mirror.
The Hand of Fate #17, by Ace
To be fair, “There are no short cuts in life” sounds less like a a dire warning and more like some bland advice you would find inside a fortune cookie.
Hand of Fate #16, by Ace
Ah! I was wondering how our heroine was going to survive yesterday’s predicament.
If the fickle hand of fate itself is a member of the Blonde in a Red Dress Fan Club, her long death-defying career suddenly makes much more sense.