“We’ll take this joint for plenty!”
Authentic Police Cases #19, by St. John
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
“We’ll take this joint for plenty!”
Authentic Police Cases #19, by St. John
This is one of those comic covers where there seems to be too much going on in too little amount of time.
Crime Smashers #8, by Trojan
Yes, the Blonde in a Red Dress certainly looks “lovelorn” on this cover.
Lovelorn #33, by ACG
The Blonde in a Red Dress would never have dared ask for a shopping bag if she had known the city was so strict in enforcing its anti-plastic-bag regulations.
True Crime Comics v1 #6, Magazine Village
Some gifts are priceless… although the super-sparkly kind do tend to have a price tag. (In which case, an extra $5000 in reward money definitely comes in handy.)
Boy Meets Girl #2, Lev Gleason