The Blonde in a Red Dress proves she can keep cover-modeling long after her co-workers have fallen asleep on the job.
Complete Love Magazine #178, Ace Magazine
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in a Red Dress proves she can keep cover-modeling long after her co-workers have fallen asleep on the job.
Complete Love Magazine #178, Ace Magazine
The Blonde In Red is part of the crack writing team behind all the latest popular weddding vows.
Complete Love Magazine, v30 #1, by Ace
You can’t put a “Price Tag On Love”, but you can perhaps put a price tag on the tooth-whitening dental work behind that blindingly bright smile.
Complete Love v.29 #3 by Ace
From the bored look on their faces, I’m assuming Mr. Easy Promises and Ms. Blackmail Bride have both realized the other is a scam artist, and are now just going through the motions until they can find an excuse to end the date.
Complete Love Magazine v27 #3, by Ace
“Romance Intruders” was the failed sequel to “Space Invaders”.
Complete Love Magazine v26#3, by Ace Magazines
I always hated word problems in math class: If you have 4 dramatic picture romances, and subtract 3 exciting love stories, what’s left?
Complete Love Magazine v26#2, by Ace Magazines
In an ironic twist, her “blind date” was with the same guy she had already seen twice this week!
Complete Love Magazine v27 #3, Ace
After a stressful week’s worth of wrangling voodoo zombie skeletons and alien tentacle beasts, the jaded Redhead in Yellow finds herself bored with her return to modeling romance comic covers.
Complete Love Magazine v28 #3, Ace