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Captain Easy #10, Pines

A Matter of Perspective

A Matter of Perspective published on 1 Comment on A Matter of Perspective

OK, so this looks at first glance like it should be a plain ol’ two-fisted adventure yarn… but the longer I stare at this cover, the more I suspect the Blonde in a Red Dress is actually in some sort of sci-fi fantasy adventure about a magical size-changing non-Euclidian hyper-dimension.

Captain Easy #10, Pines

Captain Easy #14 (Pines)

Not as easy as it looks

Not as easy as it looks published on No Comments on Not as easy as it looks

To paraphrase that old quip about Ginger Rogers, the Blonde in a Red Dress not only had to do her own stunts on a sinking rowboat on the open seas, but she apparently had to do it while falling backwards and in high heels.