The Blonde in Red and the superhero Black Hood take a break from their usual action-adventure crime-busting to engage in some wacky slapstick reckless endangerment instead.
Top Notch Laugh #31, MLJ
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
The Blonde in Red and the superhero Black Hood take a break from their usual action-adventure crime-busting to engage in some wacky slapstick reckless endangerment instead.
Top Notch Laugh #31, MLJ
Considering how many times the Blonde in a Red Dress has had to play the damsel in distress for the heroes, it’s only fair that she gets to rescue them every now and then too.
Black Hood Comics #18, MLJ/Archie
Another name to add to her list of aliases! According to her exceptionally large ID card, the undercover Blonde in a Red Dress was going by the name of “Jane Dickson” prior to being captured by… um… a Nazi, a Japanese soldier with vampire fangs, and some guy with a green skull for a head?
Jackpot Comics #7, MLJ
The Blonde in Red should talk to her agent about her recurring appearances at “Top Notch Comics”, as they seem to already be running out of ideas: I think she might be tied to the same tree by the same villain and awaiting rescue by the same heroes as last time! Not even sure if the henchmen monsters count as being different, as they might just be the same werewolves at different points in their transformation.
Top-Notch #19, MLJ
I’m less concerned about the graveyard ghouls than I am about that face the Blonde in Red is making. Someone call a doctor, I think she may be having conniptions!
Top-Notch #18 by MLJ
The long week continues with the Blonde in a Red Dress invited to a midnight bonfire party.
Top-Notch #14 by MLJ
“If you guys don’t mind, I’m just going to hang out down here in the corner and let you fight it out amongst yourselves for a change. I’ve had a really long week.”
Top Notch #2 by MLJ