How else is the ever-mysterious Blonde in a Red Dress going to plausibly maintain “My Secret Life” despite being called to testify as a witness in court?
My Secret Life #26 (Charlton)
The ubiquitous cover girl of the Golden Age of comics!
How else is the ever-mysterious Blonde in a Red Dress going to plausibly maintain “My Secret Life” despite being called to testify as a witness in court?
My Secret Life #26 (Charlton)
What story is this cover trying to sell to the buyer? We can’t see who she’s pointing at (is she pointing?), there’s no word balloon to convey if she”s accusing someone of murder or whatever, somebody with glasses took them off (is that threatening?), and is the hand with the glasses actually green?!? Who was supposed to buy this–and why?!?
Good questions! Maybe the title “My Secret Life” is meant to describe the inscrutable thought processes of the cover artist? It’s Charlton! You never quite know what you’re gonna get.